Thursday, July 10, 2008

In the Footsteps of Proust

I'm rarely drawn to places which writers or their fictional characters have inhabited (though several years ago I couldn't resist walking past Stanley Kunitz's home in Provincetown, Massachusetts).

If you are traveling to France and are interested in seeing Proust sites in Paris and Illiers (Combray), here's a guide for you.


inwitinthemidwest said...

Absolutely wonderful. Fluid, erudite, and just fanciful enough... reminds me of times I spent in the 1970s, catching glimpses of B. Portinari near the P. Santa Trinita in Florence. & now, your informative Proustian wanderings, not overdone, yet not without guile! Many, many thanks.

Chris said...

Thank you inwitinthemidwest. Your comment picked me up on this languid summer day.